Pickleball Basics and Beyond

by ray otterson on June 17, 2024


Pickleball is a fun and engaging paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Here are some basics to get you started:

1. **Court**: Pickleball is played on a court similar to a badminton court, but smaller than a tennis court (20 feet wide by 44 feet long).

2. **Equipment**:
- Paddle: Similar to a large table tennis paddle but solid and larger.
- Ball: A plastic ball with holes, similar to a Wiffle ball but heavier.

3. **Scoring**: Pickleball can be played in singles or doubles. Points are scored only by the serving team, and games are typically played to 11 points, with a margin of 2 points to win.

4. **Serve**: The serve must be hit underhand and diagonally cross-court. The serve must clear the 7-foot non-volley zone (the "kitchen").

5. **Volley Zone ("Kitchen")**: A 7-foot zone adjacent to the net where volleys are not allowed (you cannot hit the ball out of the air before it bounces).

6. **Gameplay**: After the serve, players hit the ball back and forth over the net until one side commits a fault (e.g., ball lands out of bounds, fails to clear the net, or violates rules).

7. **Rules and Etiquette**: Understand basic rules such as faults, double-bouncing rules, and how to avoid interference when playing doubles.

Pickleball is known for being accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. It's easy to learn but can be competitive and physically demanding at higher levels. Enjoy your pickleball journey!